In accordance with the German Media Act (TMG), responsibility for the domain lies with:
Oliver Böhm
Dreysestraße 5
D-10559 Berlin (Germany)
Phone: +49 (0) 179 8205008
VAT ID: DE 214 077 468
All direct or indirect links to external websites are beyond the author’s sphere of responsibility. No liability is accepted for the content of other websites. At the point when the links were set up, no illegal content was discernible on the external sites. The author has no influence over their current or future layout, content or authorship.
The author expressly states that no liability for any incorrect or incomplete content and information presented here will be accepted. Please contact me for authoritative and up-to-date information.
Images with kind permission of Umbruch-Bildarchiv and Partner für Berlin / FTB-Werbefotographie. The image on this page is owned by Christiane Böhm and on 'Personal' by Marion Klaus. All images and text materials on these web pages are subject to copyright. Any use is therefore strictly prohibited without my express agreement (or that of another designated copyright holder).
Webassistant: Rana Böhm